Parson’s Mead enclosure award and map (1825)
The Parson’s Mead Enclosure Act of 19 March 1823 (Private Act 4 Geo IV c.1) had the full title of “An Act for inclosing certain Lands in the Parish of Croydon in the County of Surrey”. It appointed “Martin Nockolds of Tring in the County of Hertford” as “the sole Commissioner for dividing, allotting, and inclosing” two pieces of land: one “called Parsons Mead, containing by Estimation Twenty-nine Acres or thereabouts” and one “called Broad Green, containing by Estimation Three Acres or thereabouts”. The act itself is reproduced on another page of this website.
As was usual for enclosure commissioners, Martin produced two items to fulfil his commission: an award and a map. The award is a document describing which sections of the land have been given to which people, who is responsible for making and maintaining the fences between these sections, and the routes of the public and private roads and footpaths that should be laid out across the land. The accompanying map is a visual guide to the award.
Below are photographs of the map and award (provided by Surrey History Centre), and my transcription of the award. Marginal notes in the transcription are as in the original, and bold and italic formatting reflect the different writing styles used in the document. Thanks to Guz Gonzalez of the Surrey History Centre and Brenda Hawkins for helpful paleographical discussions, and to the Surrey History Centre for allowing me to reproduce their images of the award and map as well as my own transcription.
Photographs of the map and award, provided by Surrey History Centre

My transcription of the award
To all to whom these Presents shall come I Martin Nockolds late of Tring in the county of Hertford and now of Stanstead Montfitchet in the county of Essex Gentleman the Commissioner named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament passed in the fourth year of the reign of His Majesty King George the fourth intituled “An Act for inclosing certain lands in the parish of Croydon in the county of Surrey” Send Greeting Whereas in pursuance of the directions of the said Act of Parliament and of another Act of Parliament passed in the forty first year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the third intituled “An Act for consolidating in one Act certain provisions usually inserted in Acts of Inclosure and for facilitating the mode of proving the several facts usually required in the passing of such Acts” the said Martin Nockolds having taken and subscribed the oath by the last mentioned Act required and having caused public notice to be given by advertisement inserted in a newspaper printed or circulated in the said county of Surrey of the time and place of my first and every other sitting or attendance for the execution of the said Acts at least ten days before every such sitting or attendance (sittings or attendances by adjournment only excepted) and having in all other matters and things conformed to the directions contained in the said Acts do hereby make publish and declare this my Award in manner and form following (that is to say)
I have set out and appointed and do hereby award and confirm the following public carriage roads and highways over the lands and grounds by the first mentioned Act directed to be divided and inclosed that is to say
One Public Carriage Road and Highway of the width of thirty feet commencing at the South West corner of Broad Green and proceeding in a North Eastward direction to the turnpike road leading from Croydon to London at the North End of the said Green.
And one other Public Carriage Road and Highway of the width of thirty feet commencing at the said turnpike road nearly opposite to the road leading to Beckenham and proceeding in a Westward direction across the said Green to the Public Carriage Road and Highway above described.
And I have also set out and appointed the following Public Footway and Private Footway or Path that is to say
One Public Footway of the width of six feet commencing at the turnpike road and proceeding in its present direction across allotments hereinafter awarded to Henry Wright William Tate and John Keely respectively towards Handcross Alley.
And one Private Footway or Path of the width of four feet commencing at the South West corner of the allotment hereinafter awarded to the said John Keely and proceeding in its present direction by the South side of the said allotment to the South East corner thereof – which said last mentioned footway is set out for the use and occupation of Anthony Harman or the owner or occupier of a messuage or tenement called the Rising Sun for the time being and also for the use and occupation of Alexander Caldcleugh or the owner or occupier for the time being of a messuage or tenement commonly called Manor House and now in the occupation of the Reverend Okey Nash and for no other use or purpose whatever And a continuation of the said footway in its present direction from the South East corner of the allotment of the said John Keely towards the said messuage or tenement called the Rising Sun which continuation of the said footway is set out for the use and occupation of the said Anthony Harman or the owner or occupier of the said last mentioned messuage or tenement for the time being and for no other use or purpose whatever.
Manorial Allotment 0A 0R 17P
And I have set out and allotted and do hereby award and confirm Unto and for Alexander Caldcleugh Esquire as Lord of the Manor of the Rectory of Croydon otherwise Bermondsey in the said parish of Croydon One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing seventeen perches bounded on the North by an allotment hereinafter awarded to John Keely on the East and part of the South by the said messuage or tenement and premises belonging to the said Alexander Caldcleugh and in the occupation of the said Okey Nash on the remaining part of the South by premises belonging to the said Anthony Harman and on the West by an allotment hereinafter awarded to the said Alexander Caldcleugh in right of his purchase from Ann Wildgoose – the fence of which said allotment on the North shall be made and maintained by the said Alexander Caldcleugh or the owner or owners thereof for the time being – and which said allotment is in my judgment a just equivalent for the right title and interest of the said Alexander Caldcleugh in and to the soil of the said common commonable or waste lands or grounds by the first mentioned Act directed to be divided and inclosed.
Land sold for defraying Expences.
And whereas in pursuance of the directions of the said first mentioned Act I received from the Accountant General of the High Court of Chancery for or towards the defraying of the charges and expences of obtaining and passing the said Act and for carrying the same and the Acts therein recited into execution the sums of money which by the said Act I was authorized to receive of him amounting together to the sum of seven hundred and fifty five pounds eleven shillings and seven pence and the same not being sufficient for fully defraying the charges and expences aforesaid I caused to be sold by Auction in the manner prescribed by the said
Miller Messrs 1A 1R 38P
Act in several lots a certain piece or parcel of land containing one acre one rood and thirty eight perches being a portion of the common called Broad Green part of the lands and grounds by the said Act directed to be divided and inclosed all which said lots were purchased by John Francis Miller Junior and William Oliver Miller both of Croydon aforesaid Ironmongers at several sums amounting together to the sum of one thousand six hundred and and seventy two pounds and the said piece of land was accordingly duly conveyed by me to the said John Francis Miller and William Oliver Miller in the manner directed by the said Act.
Residue allotted.
And I have set out and allotted apportioned and divided all the residue and remaining parts of the said common commonable and waste lands and grounds by the said first mentioned Act directed to be divided and inclosed Unto and amongst all and any the person and persons body and bodies public corporate or collegiate [page break] Interested therein in the following quantities shares and proportions which I do adjudge and determine to be a fair just and reasonable compensation and satisfaction for their several and respective estates rights and interests therein (that is to say)
I have set out and allotted and do hereby award and confirm
Unto and for the Tutor Master and Poor People of the Almshouse of Elis Davy at Croydon in the shire of Surrey (commonly called the Great Almshouse)
Almshouse. 0A 0R 13P
One Plot of Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing thirteen perches bounded on the North by an allotment hereinafter awarded to Thomas Brown, on the East by the Turnpike Road, on the South by an allotment hereinafter awarded to John Eling and on the North West by the Croydon Canal Rail Road – the fences of which said allotment on the North and East shall be made and maintained by the said Tutor Master and Poor People or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
Brown Thomas 0A 0R 12P
Unto and for Thomas Brown One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing twelve perches bounded on the North by an allotment hereinafter awarded to Thomas Starey and Samuel Starey, on the East by the Turnpike Road, on the South by an allotment hereinbefore awarded to the Tutor Master and Poor People of the said Almshouse, and on the North West by the Croydon Canal Rail Road – the fences of which said allotment on the North and East shall be made and maintained by the said Thomas Brown or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
Caldcleugh Alexander 0A 0R 33P
Unto and for Alexander Caldcleugh Esquire in right of his purchase from Ann Wildgoose One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing thirty three perches bounded on part of the East by the allotment hereinbefore awarded to the said Alexander Caldcleugh for manorial rights on part of the South and remaining part of the East by premises belonging to Anthony Harman on the remaining part of the South by the private footway hereinbefore set out for the said Anthony Harman, and on the West and North by the allotment hereinafter awarded to John Keely the fences of which said allotment on the North and West shall be made and maintained by the said Alexander Caldcleugh or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
Unto and for Elizabeth Caldcleugh Joseph Reid and William Borradaile the surviving devisees in trust under the will of Alexander Caldcleugh Esquire deceased the three several plots or parcels of land next hereinafter awarded (that is to say) One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing twenty two acres and nine perches bounded on the North by an old inclosure of the said devisees on the East by the turnpike road on the South East by the Rail
Alexander Caldcleugh’s Devisees. 1st Allotment. 22A 0R 9P
Road and land belonging to the Croydon Canal Company on part of the South West by an old inclosure of John Keely on part of the West and further part of the South West by allotments hereinafter awarded to George Charrington and Giles Long respectively on the North West and remaining parts of the West and South West by another old inclosure of the said devisees and on the remaining part of the North West by Barrack Lane – the fences of which said allotment against the Turnpike Road, on the South West against the allotment of Giles Long, and against Barrack Lane, shall be made and maintained
2d Allotment. 0A 3R 5P
by the said devisees or the owner or owners thereof for the time being – One Plot or Parcel of Land situate on Broad Green containing three roods and five perches (surrounding the scite of a building next hereinafter awarded to the said devisees) bounded on the North by the public road hereinbefore set out and appointed, on the East by the turnpike road on the South by old inclosures and cottages of the said devisees, and on the North West by the highway leading to Barrack Lane – the fences of which said allotment on the North West the North and East shall be made and maintained by the said devisees or the owner or owners thereof for the
3d Allotment. 0A 0R 1P. (Exchange with Thomas Merredew.)
time being. And one other Plot or Parcel of Land situate on Broad Green aforesaid (being the scite of a building heretofore the property of Thomas Merredew) containing one perch surrounded on all sides by the last described allotment which said plot or parcel of land is so awarded to the said devisees from the estate of the said Thomas Merredew [sic, but this is clearly a mistake and should say “Alexander Caldcleugh”] in exchange for an allotment of equal value hereinafter awarded to the said Thomas Merredew by and with their mutual consents testified as by the said last mentioned Act is required.
Charrington George 1A 2R 3P
Unto and for George Charrington One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing one acre two roods and three perches bounded on the North by an allotment hereinafter awarded to Giles Long in right of his purchase from the said George Charrington on the North East and East by an allotment hereinbefore awarded to the devisees under the will of Alexander Caldcleugh deceased and on all other parts thereof by old inclosures of the said George Charrington – the fence of which said allotment on the East shall be made and maintained by the said George Charrington or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
Eling John 0A 0R 16P
Unto and for John Eling One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing sixteen perches bounded on the North by an allotment hereinbefore awarded to the Tutor Master and Poor People of the said Almshouse on the East by the turnpike road on the South by an allotment hereinafter awarded to Mary Lewen and on the North West by the Croydon Canal Rail Road – the fences of which said allotment on the North and East shall be made and maintained by the said John Eling or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
Keely John 1A 0R 34P
Unto and for John Keely One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing one acre and thirty four perches (including the public and private footways passing over the same) bounded on the North by an allotment hereinafter awarded to William Tate on part of the East by the turnpike road on part of the South and remaining part of the East by the aforesaid messuage or tenement belonging to and allotments hereinbefore awarded to the said Alexander Caldcleugh on the remaining part of the south by the homestead of the said John Keely and the end of a footway leading to Handcross Alley on the West by an old inclosure of the said John Keely and on the North West by the Croydon Canal Rail Road – the fences of which said allotment on the North [page break] And on the East against the turnpike road shall be made and maintained by the said John Keely or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
Lewen Mary. 0A 0R 18P
Unto and for Mary Lewen (Widow) One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing eighteen perches bounded on the North by the allotment hereinbefore awarded to John Eling on the East by the turnpike road on the South by the allotment hereinafter awarded to Mary Wright and on the North West by the Croydon Canal Rail Road – the fences of which said allotment on the North and East shall be made and maintained by the said Mary Lewen or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
Long Giles. 1st Allotment 0A 1R 16P
Unto and for Giles Long The two Plots or Parcels of Land next hereinafter described (that is to say) One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing one rood and sixteen perches bounded on the West and North West by old inclosures of the said Giles Long on the North East by an allotment hereinbefore awarded to the devisees under the will of Alexander Caldcleugh deceased and on the South East by the next described allotment – the fence of which said last described allotment on the South East shall be made and maintained by the said Giles Long or the owner or owners thereof for
2d Allotment Purchased. 0A 0R 21P
the time being And one other allotment in right of his purchase from George Charrington situate in Parson’s Mead aforesaid containing twenty one perches bounded on the North West by the last described allotment on the North East by an allotment hereinbefore awarded to the devisees under the will of Alexander Caldcleugh deceased on the South by an allotment hereinbefore awarded to the said George Charrington and on the West by an old inclosure of the said Giles Long – the fence of which said allotment on the South shall be made and maintained by the said Giles Long or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
Merredew Thomas Exchange 0A 0R 3P
Unto and for Thomas Merredew One Plot or Parcel of Land situate at the Northward extremity of Broad Green containing three perches bounded on the North West by the public highway leading to Barrack Lane on the East by the turnpike road and on the South by the land sold as hereinbefore mentioned to John Francis Miller Junior and William Oliver Miller – the fences of which said allotment on the North West and the East shall be made and maintained by the said Thomas Merredew or the owner or owners thereof for the time being which said allotment is so awarded to the said Thomas Merredew from the estate of the devisees under the will of Alexander Caldcleugh deceased in exchange for the scite of a building heretofore standing on Broad Green and belonging to the said Thomas Merredew by and with their mutual consents testified as by the said last mentioned Act is required.
Starey Thomas and Samuel 0A 0R 1P
Unto and for Thomas Starey and Samuel Starey (in lieu of two plots of ground in Parson’s Mead being scites of buildings originally used as conduits) One Plot or Parcel of land situate in Parson’s Mead containing one perch bounded on the North West by the Croydon Canal Rail Road on the East by the turnpike road and on the South by an allotment hereinbefore awarded to Thomas Brown – the fence of which said allotment on the East shall be made and maintained by the said Thomas Starey and Samuel Starey or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
Tate William. 0A 3R 34P
Unto and for William Tate One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing three roods and thirty four perches (including the public footway passing over the same) bounded on the North by an allotment next hereinafter awarded to Henry Wright, on the East by the turnpike road, on the South by an allotment hereinbefore awarded to John Keely, and on the North West by the Croydon Canal Rail Road – the fences of which said allotment on the North and East shall be made and maintained by the said William Tate or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
Wright Henry 0A 2R 36P
And unto and for Henry Wright One Plot or Parcel of Land situate in Parson’s Mead containing two roods and thirty six perches (including the public footway passing over the same) bounded on the North by an allotment hereinbefore awarded to Mary Lewen, on the East by the turnpike road, on the South by the allotment last hereinbefore awarded to William Tate, and on the North West by the Croydon Canal Rail Road – the fences of which said allotment on the North and East shall be made and maintained by the said Henry Wright or the owner or owners thereof for the time being.
And I do hereby order and direct that the several owners who by this my Award are ordered and directed to fence in their several and respective allotments shall fence in and ditch the same in a proper and effectual manner accordingly within three calendar months next after the execution hereof and that the respective owners of the said allotments shall from time to time after the first making thereof keep the said ditches and watercourses by and at their several expence so and in such manner as that the water may always have a free course and be in no wise hindered or obstructed from draining through such fence ditches or along the said watercourses.
And I do further order and direct that when any gate or gates shall be erected next any roads or ways or other entrance or passage into any allotment Then and in all such cases the owner or occupier of such allotments respectively shall at their own costs and charges cause convenient tunnels of sufficient dimensions to be made and laid under the same respectively low enough to carry off all the water from the adjoining roads.
In Witness whereof I the said Martin Nockolds have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty five.
[signed: Martin Nockolds]
My transcription of Martin Nockolds’ oath
I Martin Nockolds do swear that I will faithfully impartially and honestly according to the best of my skill and ability execute and perform the several trusts powers and authorities vested and reposed in me as a Commissioner by virtue of an Act “for inclosing certain lands in the parish of Croydon in the county of Surrey” according to equity and good conscience and without favor affection prejudice or partiality to any person or persons whomsoever.
So help me God
[signed: Martin Nockolds]
Sworn before me at Croydon in the county of Surrey the [“fo” crossed out] fifth day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty three
[signed: Thos ?Coles?]
One of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace acting in and for the county of Surrey.